A Couple Quick Tips That Will Bring More Customers Into Your Shop

Tip #1 – Network with Non-Competing Businesses. I am sure there are plenty of businesses in your community that can help you market your shop, and vice versa. There are two great ways to take advantage of this situation:

1. Create a flyer and ask those businesses if you can leave 100 -200 with them, and let them know you will keep some of their flyers in your auto repair shop as well.

2. You can also create a system where if something is bought in the business that you have made a partnership with, the customer receives a $5 coupon that can be used at your shop, and you can do the same for the partnering business. For example, your auto repair shop and a car wash business could partner up to help send new customers each other’s way.

Tip #2 – Don’t Forget the Power of Word of Mouth – Make sure that every customer that comes into your shop is completely satisfied and feels fully informed about his vehicle. Every customer that leaves your shop satisfied is a potential advertising machine that can tell all of their friends what a great job you did for them. So go that extra mile because, at the end of the day, that extra mile ends up being a lot shorter than you think, and is extremely rewarding.

guest post was contributed by Juan Chavez of JMC Equipment. For additional tips or to learn more about what JMC has to offer, call (800) 562-4791, email
info@jmcautomotiveequipment.com, or visit http://jmcautomotiveequipment.com/.

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