Client Only Roundtable: Maintaining Car Counts and Average Repair Order Dollars
October 22 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Many auto repair shops are struggling with car counts and maintaining their ARO. Some of the reasons for the downturn are the high cost of living, inflation, low consumer confidence, and the uncertainty that always comes in a presidential election year.
Some say there isn’t much you can do. At Elite, we disagree. There’s a lot a shop owner can do to not only maintain car counts and improve ARO, but also build a successful and highly profitable company.
Join us on October 22 at 10am PT for a short presentation and then a round table discussion on strategies to increase car counts and ARO and build a more profitable auto repair business.
You don’t want to miss this important meeting!
Note: This meeting is only open to current clients of Elite. To learn more about how to join the Elite family, contact us today!
If you are a current client of Elite and have not received your email invite, contact our support team here: email support