3 Tips That Every Shop Owner Needs to Hear

1). Have Written Shop Goals and Personal Goals in Place… With Deadlines!

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time”

2) Track the Important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the Business

Keeping accurate numbers and tracking the important KPIs will help you make informed decisions as a shop owner, which rarely leads to bad decisions. Some of the KPIs you target should be industry-specific, and some should be business specific. Not all business models are alike, and even though most auto repair facilities perform many of the same repairs (brakes, timing belts, etc.), the way they operate, and how they deliver services will widely vary. All shop owners need to know how their numbers compare to “like” business models. This will help you determine what adjustments are necessary for you to reach your goals. Consistently tracking specific KPIs will tell you where you are, and what you need to work on.

3) Ensure You’re Being Held Accountable

As small business owners, we rarely have anyone who works with us and is capable of holding us accountable for our words, our actions, or our promises. Most large companies have consultants, coaches, a Board of Directors, or a Board of Advisors, but smaller companies don’t feel the need, have the knowledge, or have the time to structure and assemble advisory groups like these. I’d highly recommend finding a coach, or at least someone who can hold you accountable and who you can bounce ideas off of, so that you’re not all alone at the top of your company.

This tip was provided by Kevin Vaught, the previous owner of some of the most successful shops in the country, and who currently helps shop owners reach their goals through the Elite Coaching Program:https://eliteworldwide.com/one-on-one-coaching.html

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