Shop Owners Need Downtime to Put Things in Perspective

I am writing this on my last day of vacation in California, where I’ve been spending time with family. It took me a few days to totally relax but made it a point to not look at emails or call the office.

We all need downtime. I know there will be a ton of work to be done when I return, but I also know that the time away has recharged my batteries and I will be more productive.

Being away from business and spending time with family puts things into proper perspective. You realize that a lot of the things you stress over are really not as important as you thought.

Take time to enjoy life. We all know how quickly time passes us by. And remember, no one on their deathbed ever said they wished they spent more time at work.

Joe Marconi is one of the top shop owners in America, a columnist for Ratchet & Wrench, the founder of and a business development coach that helps other shop owners reach their goals through the Elite Coaching Program.

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