Establishing a Consistent Brand

This quick video tip from Elite’s Doris Barnes shares how shop owners can establish a consistent brand, and deliver a consistently extraordinary customer experience


Hi, everyone. I’m Doris Barnes, director with Elite, and I just wanted to bring you a tip today that will really help you grow a strong, successful company. We know that you’re all out there and your focus is on creating a brand that’s really going to go to be the pinnacle in your community where other companies are going to look to other auto repair shops in your customers, in your community, going to look and go, you know what?

That’s the place you really need to be. One of the things that’s really, really important to creating a strong brand is bringing consistency to your customer experience so that no matter who they see when they come in or what day, month or year it is, they’re going to get this experience that allows them to say, You know what?

That’s how you get treated when you go into Elite Auto. Okay? So in order to bring that consistency, you really want to just look at your systems, get really good systems in place, really focus in on those. But equally as important, look at your training and find one approach that you’re going to have everybody follow. So for training your service advisors and they’re going to be interacting with your customers, it’s really important that everybody goes to the same training approach so that it fits with your culture, it fits with your ethics, and it really is something that you feel comfortable and confident about and then get everyone on the same page.

Now, if I’m your customer and I come in and I see Joe, where I see Larry, I’m going to go. You know what? I was treated the same amazing way. And it’s that way every time I go in. So hopefully that helps everybody. Hope you all have a great day.

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