I am a believer in “guerrilla marketing”, which is a strategy that allows us to compete with the big guys, without going head-to-head with them. It helped the colonies win […]
After your employees have been with you for a probationary period of time,they should all be given their own business cards. This includes yourtechnicians, shuttle drivers, lot attendants, etc. First […]
For decades shop owners have had the luxury of being able to rely on a short list of traditional media to bring in new customers. They’ve primarily utilized directory ads, […]
If you would like to bring in more customers during these competitive times,and build employee morale all at once, then here’s a guaranteed way to do sothat your competitors would […]
In the past marketing professionals have touted mass marketing, but today it’s all about one-to-one or relationship marketing. Customers are savvier than ever, and since vehicles are now more reliable, […]
Far too many shop owners are failing when it comes to properly branding their shops. In the world of advertising, unless the name of your companyis a household name, your […]
Many shop owners get into trouble by throwing their money at just about every advertising opportunity that comes along. Their intentions are good, but more often than not they end […]
In the world of auto repair and service, one thing is for certain: You are going to lose customers. They will move, no longer have a need for their automobile, […]
As we all know, the most powerful form of advertising always has been, and always will be, word of mouth. Although every shop owner would like to believe the majority […]
A while back I had the opportunity to interview over forty people for a panel of customers. My intent was to discover what drives their decisions in choosing an auto […]
Institutional advertising programs like print media, electronic media, etc., have their place. Clearly they can help you keep the name of your company at the top of people’s minds, and […]
Your auto repair customers are price sensitive…help them choose your shop. Not long ago, I interviewed over forty people for a panel of customers that I moderated in Dallas, Texas. […]
The term “guerrilla marketing” is used to describe marketing methods that allow small businesses to compete with larger businesses, and they typically include grassroots marketing campaigns. Participating in Chamber of […]
As business people, we often get too caught up in sales numbers, gross profit margins, car counts and average work order dollars. Those are the numbers of your business, but […]
When car counts aren’t what they need to be, most shop owners and dealerships will pump more money into their auto repair marketing efforts. But before you invest one more […]
Web-Based Marketing and Grass Roots Marketing For Your Auto Repair Shop… When it comes to web-based marketing, I am sure you will agree that as we move into the future, […]
The keys to effective price advertising for your auto repair shop… Believe it or not, price advertising is a good thing. Everyone likes to find a good value, and price […]