If you haven’t heard from a customer for a longer than usual period of time, pick up the phone and give them a call. Years ago I developed a really […]
Back in the 1970s, the success of the repair shop could be traced directly to three things: General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. Those cars needed a ton of repair work […]
Paying attention to your margins, and proper pricing is critical to your success, yet far too many shop owners are so determined to make a certain percentage of gross profit […]
At Elite we encourage our clients to invest 50% of their advertising budget into traditional advertising campaigns, such as print, radio, CRM programs, etc. The remaining 50% should be invested […]
A few months back a customer came in with a broken seat frame on her Honda Pilot. The car had over 150,000 miles on it and the seat frame broke […]
According to a recent survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, fewer than 20% of independent shop customers tried to negotiate the price of repairs. Of those that […]
As our industry continues to evolve, there are a number of changes you need to consider. Cars are being built better, so they are lasting longer, and with service intervals […]
If you’ve been a shop owner for any length of time, you’ve more than likely been exposed to, or employed, a prima donna. According to the Google dictionary, a prima […]
I received a distressing email the other day from a fellow shop owner. The shop owner stated in his email that he was scheduled for surgery the next day, and […]
Although there is no simple or conclusive way of determining whether someone you are interviewing is an ethical person, one question I always ask an applicant is, “Can you tell […]