Marketing Strategies to Attract and Retain Your Ideal Auto Repair Customers I had one main objective when I opened my repair shop in the fall of 1980: Acquire customers. Being […]
Over the past one hundred plus years marketing strategies, and the brands that were built, were developed by two entities: The client, and the ad agency. The client would tell […]
Superstar shop owner and Elite Business Development Coach Greg Skolink shares a fun tip on how to keep your shop’s customers engaged on Facebook. For additional help building a more […]
During difficult times like these, it’s important to look for creative ways to keep your shop’s name in the minds of your community members. Here are 3 easy-to-implement tips that […]
Superstar shop owner and grassroots marketing guru Servando Orozco shares a tip that will bring new customers into your shop, humanize your business and have a positive impact on your […]
In business, you need to try all different types of marketing to test which tactics produce the best return on investment. At Lusti Motors based in San Diego, CA, we […]
Millennials are critical to the future success of your auto repair business. This quick tip video tip from Doris Barnes will help you bring more Millennials into your shop through […]
Digital marketing or Internet marketing is becoming more and more widely used and Inbound Marketing is becoming more powerful than Outbound Marketing every day. Content marketing is a powerful component […]
This quick video tip from Elite’s Doris Barnes shares how shop owners can establish a consistent brand, and deliver a consistently extraordinary customer experience Transcript: Hi, everyone. I’m Doris Barnes, […]
Back in the 1970s, the success of the repair shop could be traced directly to three things: General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. Those cars needed a ton of repair work […]
At Elite we encourage our clients to invest 50% of their advertising budget into traditional advertising campaigns, such as print, radio, CRM programs, etc. The remaining 50% should be invested […]
If you are looking to drive up your car count, investing in the right marketing strategies and advertising programs is a good place to start. Yet far too many shop […]
We all know how tough it is to find great technicians, so how do you reach those stars that are not out looking for the right opportunity? Well, I’ve found […]
Tip #1 – Network with Non-Competing Businesses. I am sure there are plenty of businesses in your community that can help you market your shop, and vice versa. There are […]
Most shop owners have learned a lot from their mentors, including the importance of listening to their customers, fixing cars right the first time, and never putting money ahead of […]
The ability to find new auto repair customers is a challenge for every auto repair shop, especially female customers. Often, the female gender is so stigmatized in the auto industry, […]
If there is one thing most shop owners have in common, it’s that they have big hearts. They typically start their careers as technicians, and as soon as they have […]
Part of your advertising and marketing program needs to incorporate community involvement, whether it’s with local business groups, church functions, the local chamber of commerce, or other local organizations. The […]