In this short video, Elite Business Development Coach Darrin Barney gives us a shop tip on setting aside profits.
In this short video, one of our Elite Business Development Coaches, Bill Edwards, gives us a quick tip on ARO (Average Repair Order).
In this short video, Elite Pro Service member Dan Nau talks about what it takes to solve employee and customer issues and how important it is to keep both happy. […]
We sat down for an interview with Elite Coach Chris Monroe to share his story with the world. Read on or watch this video to learn about Chris’ background, what […]
In this quick video superstar shop owner and Elite Coach Mike Kost shares an easy-to-apply recruiting tip that will help you bring aboard the right techs and service advisors. All […]
The Challenge: Tom did not have any systems or policies in place at his shop, which led to a hectic work environment that had him constantly “flying by the seat […]
When it comes to dealing with objections, most service advisors shut down as soon as the customer says “It’s too much money”, or “I’d like to think it over.” There […]
Why you can’t afford to compromise the integrity of your auto repair pricing… At Elite we know that once someone comes into your shop, you’ll do everything you can to […]
We work with many world-class shop owners throughout North America, and over the years we have discovered that the majority of them have a number of things in common. Beyond […]
The Challenge: Dwayne Myers’ service advisor, Jason, was a star when the day was moving slowly, but became easily overwhelmed when the shop was busy. If Jason had too much […]
Over the past one hundred plus years marketing strategies, and the brands that were built, were developed by two entities: The client, and the ad agency. The client would tell […]
The Challenge: Nate Winston and John Cooper were running their shop with success, but couldn’t help but feel like they had some room to improve, and were missing something that […]
The Challenge: Craig Heiser’s service advisor, Donald, was struggling with his confidence and was often uncomfortable when selling to customers. This prevented Donald from being able to build relationships and […]
Superstar shop owner and Elite Business Development Coach Greg Skolink shares a fun tip on how to keep your shop’s customers engaged on Facebook. For additional help building a more […]
Given the uncertainty many businesses around the world are currently experiencing, we must look for ways to save as much money for our shops as possible, while also making sure […]
During difficult times like these, it’s important to look for creative ways to keep your shop’s name in the minds of your community members. Here are 3 easy-to-implement tips that […]
We all know that these incredibly challenging times are impacting businesses and people all around the world. To help maximize your shop’s sales and profits in the face of these […]
Superstar shop owner and Elite Business Development Coach Chris Monroe shares a fun tip that will not only improve communication in your shop, but productivity as well. For additional help […]
Superstar shop owner and Elite Business Development Coach Greg Skolnik shares a tip on how to provide your employees with a detailed outline of all their benefits. For additional help […]
In this quick video tip industry superstar Jim Murphy shares the importance of maintaining a balance with your parts-to-labor ratio. Jim Murphy heads up Elite Pro Service, a peer group […]