In this quick interview between Elite President Bob Cooper and superstar shop owner Joe Marconi, Joe explains why your shop’s service advisors always need to take the customer’s focus off […]
I recently made a call to my internet provider to discuss an issue I was having. After multiple attempts at trying to explain my problem, the customer service rep on […]
Elite’s superstar sales trainer Jen Monclus reveals the topics that your auto repair shop’s service advisors need to avoid discussing with your customers at all costs: For additional help generating […]
Superstar sales trainer Jen Monclus reveals 5 steps that your service advisors need to follow to overcome even the most challenging sales objections shared by your auto repair customers: For […]
This quick video tip from superstar sales trainer Jen Monclus explains how a focused effort on under-promising and over-delivering will improve your shop’s customer retention… For additional help generating higher […]
This video tip from Bob Cooper and Doris Barnes will help your advisors handle those tough price shoppers that call your shop. For additional help generating higher sales and happier […]
We often take a customer’s car to the dealer when we discover the vehicle is under warranty. We prefer to take it ourselves because the dealers are like vultures and […]
This video tip from Elite’s Bob Cooper and Doris Barnes explains how your service advisors should present a list of repairs to first-time customers. For additional help generating higher sales […]
Many shops in the northern part of the country go through a slow sales period during the winter months. And while there are no ways to get back those “snow […]